Baca County History

by the Plainsman Herald

Category: Baca County

  • Free Dust Bowl Teaching Resources

    August 2018 NOTE: This resource will be updated extensively later this fall as I am currently preparing a resource “The Dust Bowl: The View from Ground Zero.”  Stay tuned. Growing up in Springfield Colorado in the 1930’s, my mother was a child of the Dust Bowl.   I asked her once if she remembered Black Sunday any more…

  • Orville Ewing’s Postcards

    I don’t live in Baca County Colorado anymore, but it is the place where I grew up and still call home. It will always be home. This mini writing adventure began after I shared the picture below of my grandma holding what I now believe to be Orville Ewing’s wooden rifle in front of his…

  • More Tales From the Prairie: A Sanora Babb Conversation

    Reposted from  November 28, 2013 In early September 2013, I was in my hometown of Springfield Colorado.   While eating at the Longhorn Steakhouse I got into a discussion with an old Baca County compadre, Kevin Greenlee,  about author Sanora Babb.  Babb wrote “An Owl on Every Post”  which chronicles her early years living in a dugout on the Southeast…