Free Dust Bowl Teaching Resources
August 2018 NOTE: This resource will be updated extensively later this fall as I am currently preparing a resource “The Dust Bowl: The View from Ground Zero.” Stay tuned. Growing up in Springfield Colorado in the 1930’s, my mother was a child of the Dust Bowl. I asked her once if she remembered Black Sunday any more…
Orville Ewing’s Postcards
I don’t live in Baca County Colorado anymore, but it is the place where I grew up and still call home. It will always be home. This mini writing adventure began after I shared the picture below of my grandma holding what I now believe to be Orville Ewing’s wooden rifle in front of his…
Mrs. Tune, The Sheriff and the Goats
NOTE: This is the first story I wrote down in 2009 when I began thinking about preserving local history. Vesta Tune lived in Springfield Colorado in the 1940′s and 50′s, Prior to that she lived in the Lycan Colorado area (north of the present day town of Walsh Colorado) near the Brooks side of my…
A Tale of Sheet Music
Posted with Permission of Kathryn Neufeld (Kent Brooks’ mother-in-law) The last page was turned and I was sad to see there was no more music to play. For several days I had been playing through a stack of sheet music. Music that was written before my time. Some were dated as far back as 1926…
My Link To The Old West…
My Link to the Old West originally appeared on Boody’s Blog: Missives from Mythtickle and is re posted with permission from Justin Thompson Last summer, 2008, I found something out from my Dad that was absolutely astounding. Now this ain’t a myth, this is true. I’m shootin’ ya’ straight here. My family and I, wife and…