Baca County History

by the Plainsman Herald

Category: Baca County

  • Growing up in Baca County by John Havens- Episode 3

       On the farm my pet was Big Dog, but when we moved into Vilas I had to leave Big Dog on the farm.  So for a while I didn’t have a pet.  Then one day when I was home from school, and sick with the Measles, Dad came in with the cutest little dog. …

  • Growing up in Baca County, Episode #2b, by John Havens.

    A couple years ago, Kathy pushed out a series in the Plainsman Herald by John Havens. We are going to replay that on this blog over the next few weeks. Kathy’s intro is as follows: A Little Bit of History, By Kathy Nutt. “A while back we received a letter and several pages of history…

  • Growing up in Baca County, Episode #2 – John Havens.

    A couple years ago, Kathy pushed out a series in the Plainsman Herald by John Havens. We are going to replay that on this blog over the next few weeks. Kathy’s intro is as follows: A Little Bit of History, By Kathy Nutt. “A while back we received a letter and several pages of history…

  • Growing up in Baca County, Episode #1 John Havens.

    A couple years ago, Kathy pushed out a series in the Plainsman Herald by John Havens. We are going to replay that on this blog over the next few weeks. Kathy’s intro is as follows: A Little Bit of History, By Kathy Nutt. “A while back we received a letter and several pages of history…

  • The Story of Edler: by Wayne Collier – Part 1

    Hi All, I am excited to finally be able to push this letter out on this blog. This letter will be published here in multiple parts as it is quite lengthy. I will also publish it in a couple different places. It will be available here for free, We will also publish it as a…

  • News from Baca County July 23, 1897: Hail Knee Deep and Attend the University of Notre Dame

    Here is another installment of news from Baca County July 23, 1897. More perspective on 1897 news in Baca County. The storm discussed in Minneapolis must have been doozy. Check out the price of bicycles and the Article on War Balloons. Again there was only local news on the last page with Homsher’s store being…

  • News from Baca County, July 16, 1898

    The news from the July 16, 1898 Springfield Herald is exactly 121 years ago, July 16, 1898. In 1898 the editor of the Springfield Herald was L. A Wikoff. There wasn’t a lot of local news.  Each week there was a weekly Crop report by F.H. Brandenburg out of Denver. They mention insurgents in Cuba…

  • Baca County News Nov 1898,

    The following provides a sampling of a what was important in Nov 1898 as reported in the Nov 11, 1898 Springfield Herald. I think in the future I will tie these closer to the Month in which they occurred, but we will start with this one for now. There was very little local news. J.R.…

  • Those Who Have Claimed Baca County As Their Own

    By Steve Doner “Although some may look at this list and say Virgina????, Spain???? this is the most complete listing of entities claiming the area known today as Baca County Colorado. Many such claims were made with the claimant not really knowing what they were claiming. They were essentially saying, “We own everything from here…

  • A Different Kind of Dust Bowl Story: Pretty Boy Floyd in Baca County, Colorado, 1934.

    Charles Arthur Floyd (February 3, 1904 – October 22, 1934) was nicknamed Pretty Boy Floyd.  Floyd has continued to be a familiar figure in American pop culture, seen by some as notorious, but by others as a tragic figure, he is partly seen as a victim of the hard times of the Great Depression.  In…