The news from the July 16, 1898 Springfield Herald is exactly 121 years ago, July 16, 1898. In 1898 the editor of the Springfield Herald was L. A Wikoff. There wasn’t a lot of local news. Each week there was a weekly Crop report by F.H. Brandenburg out of Denver. They mention insurgents in Cuba which would have been the Spanish American war.
They also mention in the Local section below that Harry Ward was home on furlough. Would that have been a Baca County boy in the Spanish American Cuba conflict? As in our previous post, the only local ad in this issue was Homsher’s store. There were two ads out of Lamar for Dr. Friend and the Silverstate Hotel. There will be a few familiar names and places in the Local and Personal section below. Enjoy
Local and Personal.
It has rained, now bug your garden. Jas. W. Wilson returned home last evening.
A few more hot days and water melons will be ripe. Jesse Tanner went to Lamar, Wednesday on business.
Miss Josie Robertson accompanied Miss Edna Wardell home, The Whitakers and Harrisons ate cherry colder at J.H. Christie’s last Sunday. Harry Ward is home on furlough but expects orders at any time to charge the rangers again.
L. F. Mathews and family will be home from Colorado Springs, the fore part of next week. Rev.
Mitchell is so far recovered from his attack of fever as to go on a pleasure trip to the Buttes.
Lucius McAdam and Dunk Ashcratt of the eastern part of the county were in town this morning
E. K. Curran went to Lamar, Wednesday to visit some ranches near that place with a view of leasing.
Hugo Homsher was chief “cow puncher” of the town herd during the absence of the other boys to the mountains.
The Carriso Smelting Co. is considering a proposition from Kiowa ounty parties to lease the smelter for a sixty days run.
J. T. Allen, J. O. Vanorsdol and C. M. Gordon, formed a freight brigade and went to Lamar after ‘freight the fore part of the week. The board of county commissioners adjourned late Saturday afternoon, leaving some unfinished business for the meeting of next week.
The government gauge showed over an inch and a half of rainfall ‘here, last Friday evening and Light, and something over an inch at Minneapolis.
You may expect fish stories one, two and three feet long, from the Butte mountain excursion party. Don’t believe any of them without further investigation.
J. J. Wardell accompanied by his daughter Edna, who has been attending medical college in Chicago. for a year past, were the guests of the Robertsons Sunday night, on their way home.
Wm. D. Jones of Minneapolis, went to Carriso, this week to do two months work for the Augusta Mining Co. he was accompanied by his family. His brother-in-law, Dave Davis took one load of household goods down for him.
Capt. Jones this week purchased the ranch, 320 acres of land, the improvement thereon, and several miles of wire fence enclosing a large pasture, belonging to K. K. Curran. The land adjoins the 200 acres already owned by the Capt. and will make him a ranch of 720 acres with some other land he is on a deal for, embracing nearly 100 acres of choice Bear creek bottom, which he will sow to all alfalfa.
J. F. Harrison and family, D. Miser and family, S. W. Cole and wife, Rev. Mitchell, Felix Ward, Ada Konkel, Norvella Vanorsdol, Herbert, Bob and Carl Homsher, Mrs. May Gilbert and Warren Steigelmnn, embraced a merry crowd that went to the Butte mountains and canons for short outing—fishing, hunting, and resting in the shade. Some of the party got back last evening and the remainder will return today,
Isaac N. Cady, one of our old timers, who has been away for a year, popped up in town Sunday evening. A cheap excursion from Illinois landed him in Denver, with the Christian Endeavorers. He has been traveling with, and keeping good company since he left Baca. But the longing for a bucking bronco ride overcame all others, and he wants to roundup 25 head of his horses and take to eastern markets. When he went away he leased his horses to Otho and Willard Cole.