Baca County History

by the Plainsman Herald

Tag: Springfield Herald


    The possibility of a dam on Two Buttes Creek had been discussed as early as the 1880’s by early settlers in the area, but it was after the turn of the century before anyone attempted to develop the idea. The Springfield Herald, Volume 22, Number 19, January 8, 1909 reprinted a Pueblo Chieftain piece on…

  • News from Baca County July 23, 1897: Hail Knee Deep and Attend the University of Notre Dame

    Here is another installment of news from Baca County July 23, 1897. More perspective on 1897 news in Baca County. The storm discussed in Minneapolis must have been doozy. Check out the price of bicycles and the Article on War Balloons. Again there was only local news on the last page with Homsher’s store being…

  • Another Baca County Wheeler: C. H. Wheeler

    Each and every small place is a cultural destination. Each small town has customs, history and traditions that make it unique.  I truly appreciate the opportunity to dig into many of these treasures that are Baca County history.   The following photo appears on page 62 (Campo history) of our 1983 Baca County History Book.  The…