Baca County History

by the Plainsman Herald

Category: Southeast Colorado

  • The Strange Story of Stevenson, Baca County, Colorado & Reverend William Evans

    The Strange Story of Stevenson, Baca County, Colorado & Reverend William Evans

    by: Steven Doner and Kent Brooks  My introduction to Stevenson happened in 2010 when I was first shown the Lost 1894 Colorado Relief Map by James McConnell School Supplies of Denver, Colorado. Immediately, I began combing the bottom right corner for familiar names, but more so for unfamiliar items that might fuel my curiosity. Exploring…

  • Did the Forgotten Old West Town of Boston Colorado Influence the entire Genre of Western Movies?

    Did the Forgotten Old West Town of Boston Colorado Influence the entire Genre of Western Movies?

    “Low characters naturally gravitated in this direction where they would be in less danger of the law.  Peaceable men were sometimes forced to become murderers through association with the lawless element who were thrown in their midst.  Questions were not asked of their past.” -J.R. Austin, 1936, An Early History of Baca County In the…

  • The Burning of the Boston Colorado Hotel: An 1890 Flashback to the County Seat Wars of the American West

    The Burning of the Boston Colorado Hotel: An 1890 Flashback to the County Seat Wars of the American West

    The hotel company was incorporated last week, the stock is all subscribed, and the big hotel will now be pushed to completion. — Boston Colorado, Western World, April 1887 The County Seat Wars of the American West, which were most famous in Kansas, represent a tumultuous period in the late 19th century characterized by intense…

  • Decade of Dirt: A Book Project Primer

    Decade of Dirt: A Book Project Primer

    The Great Depression, and the much worse Dust Bowl that accompanied it, was the most impactful and profound time period, indeed the watershed moment, for southeastern Colorado. It was like year zero on our calendars, BDB – Before the Dust Bowl, and ADB – After the Dust Bowl.  Our good friend and history partner Steve…

  • Kansas Trip

    Kansas Trip

    We are getting closer to the completion of a project we will call “Before it Was Baca, Persons Stories, Incidents and Letters from the Early Day East Enders: 1886-1889,” We are waiting on a very interesting set of artifacts, but I hope can finish by the end of summer. The following letter excerpt from that…

  • The Two Buttes Cyclone: Aug 1917

    During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, newspapers and the general public in the United States often referred to tornadoes as “cyclones.” This can be attributed to a misunderstanding of the terms and a general lack of knowledge about the distinct differences between these two weather phenomena at the time. As meteorology advanced and…


    The possibility of a dam on Two Buttes Creek had been discussed as early as the 1880’s by early settlers in the area, but it was after the turn of the century before anyone attempted to develop the idea. The Springfield Herald, Volume 22, Number 19, January 8, 1909 reprinted a Pueblo Chieftain piece on…

  • Passing of a Great Range Herd

    Prairie Cattle Company, Owners of the JJ Brand, Quits Business The Prairie Cattle Company was established in December of 1880 with headquarters in Edinburgh Scotland. The initial investors noticed that the ranching business had assumed extensive proportions in the Western States and territories of America and had yielded very large profits, in spite of the…

  • Butte City: 1886

    Boston wasn’t quite the first in the east end as this part of Las Animas county as it was thencalled. Butte City was started in June 1886; we believe that less than half a dozen houses were builtthere when it was abandoned and the houses moved over to Minneapolis, started a few miles west of…

  • “Ten Nights in a Bar Room” by the Boston Amateur Dramatic Troupe: Theatre in 1880s Southeast Colorado

    The Boston Amateur Dramatic troupe reproduced “Ten Nights in a Bar Room” at the Murray hall last Friday night.  The weather was intensely disagreeable, and the crowd correspondingly small.  There were not more than 150 people present.  The troupe made a marked improvement over their first effort. The Citizen (Trinidad Colorado) 13 Jan 1888 The…