Baca County History

by the Plainsman Herald

Celebrating the Colorful History of Baca County, Colorado

  • Growing Up in Baca County, Episode #4 by John Havens

       As the dust storms increased many of the farm families and a few of the town residents had to pull up stakes and look for greener pastures.  As a kid working around the service station I observed first hand family after family load all their belongings into cars and onto pickups and head out…

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  • Growing up in Baca County by John Havens- Episode 3

       On the farm my pet was Big Dog, but when we moved into Vilas I had to leave Big Dog on the farm.  So for a while I didn’t have a pet.  Then one day when I was home from school, and sick with the Measles, Dad came in with the cutest little dog. …

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  • Growing up in Baca County, Episode #2b, by John Havens.

    A couple years ago, Kathy pushed out a series in the Plainsman Herald by John Havens. We are going to replay that on this blog over the next few weeks. Kathy’s intro is as follows: A Little Bit of History, By Kathy Nutt. “A while back we received a letter and several pages of history…

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  • Growing up in Baca County, Episode #2 – John Havens.

    A couple years ago, Kathy pushed out a series in the Plainsman Herald by John Havens. We are going to replay that on this blog over the next few weeks. Kathy’s intro is as follows: A Little Bit of History, By Kathy Nutt. “A while back we received a letter and several pages of history…

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  • Growing up in Baca County, Episode #1 John Havens.

    A couple years ago, Kathy pushed out a series in the Plainsman Herald by John Havens. We are going to replay that on this blog over the next few weeks. Kathy’s intro is as follows: A Little Bit of History, By Kathy Nutt. “A while back we received a letter and several pages of history…

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  • The Story of Edler: by Wayne Collier – Part 2

    I am again excited to push out part 2 of Wayne Collier’s “The Story of Edler,” It will be available here for free, We will also publish it as a series in the Plainsman Herald. We had a great response to part and Zoretta Ownbey fills in a little more of the story as she tells…

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  • The Story of Edler: by Wayne Collier – Part 1

    Hi All, I am excited to finally be able to push this letter out on this blog. This letter will be published here in multiple parts as it is quite lengthy. I will also publish it in a couple different places. It will be available here for free, We will also publish it as a…

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