Baca County History

by the Plainsman Herald

Celebrating the Colorful History of Baca County, Colorado

  • Offices of the Prairie Cattle Company

    “The largest herd of cattle I ever saw was in the summer of 1888. It stretched north from the mouth of Leon Creek, 25 miles southwest of the present Clayton for 5 or 6 miles. It was accompanied by 2 crews of 12 men each. Cattle belonging in Southern Colorado and the Cimarron River country…

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  • Growing up in Baca County Part 7 By John Havens

     I read once of a tourist who was traveling through the country and realizing he needed gas he stopped at a very small village to fill up with gas.  While the station attendant was filling the car, the tourist noticed there was very little activity going on.  Finally, he said to the old gentleman, “Tell…

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  • Growing Up in Baca County Episode 6, Part 2 – By John Havens

    To write anything about Vilas and not mention my Uncle Tony Havens would be an affront to him. Through many years, when I have met people and told them I was from Vilas, they have said: “Oh, are you related to Tony Havens?”    After Mr. Wheeler died my Uncle Tony and George Stice put…

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  • An 1894 View of SE Colorado

    I have seen small images of this map, and have wanted to see it up close as you never quite get the quality of actually looking at the map. I got my wish today thanks to Don Brookhart. This map was reproduced by USGS in cooperation with the Library of Congress, this hand drawn map…

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  • Baca County & the Deep Harbor Conventions of the Late 1880s & Early 1890s

    This piece provides an answer to  a note in the upcoming Plainsman Herald  Piece by Mark Schmidt on the first twelve years of Baca County Commissioner minutes in which he states the following: A curious note from April 9th 1891 minutes is the appointment of F.M. Friend as delegate to attend “The Deep Harbor Convention…

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  • Growing Up in Baca County Episode 6, Part 1 by John Havens

    Note this episode references Fred Holister. More on Fred Click Here: Fred Holister: A Cowboy’s Story Many older people of the Vilas Community made an impression on my life. Some were school teachers, some were business men, others were preachers, farmers, and retired folks.    But one I would like to mention especially was Uncle…

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  • Growing up in Baca County #5 By John Havens

    As a teenager working around my Dad’s service station there was always something going on to make a good story.  One has to do with a fellow named Bob, who was known, for a time, as the Broomcorn King of Baca County.    One would never guess that Bob was a prosperous farmer.  He raised…

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